
Own less. Do more. Slow down. Be present. // Join the journey to live a life of purpose, minimalism and presence.

The benefits of a simpler Christmas

The benefits of a simpler Christmas

I made the intentional decision to have a simpler Christmas this year. After discovering the discipline of minimalism last spring, I have found a new peace - both mentally and physically. Christmas has never been too stressful for me - but it has been a season of busy. Trying to keep up with the so-called Christmas obligations like family photos, shopping, special events, and holiday parties either wore me out or had me wondering where the holidays went come New Year’s Day.

This year, I didn’t spend much time in stores nor did I care about sales flyers, Black Friday or Cyber Monday. I figured if I spent minimally and was more focused on quality versus quantity, I wouldn’t need to chase sales. In the end I spent less than I budgeted but still felt that I could have done better in minimizing gifts. I am proud to say that I made intentional purchases for my daughter - gifts that would allow her to create, imagine and learn. I bought two specific wish list items outside of that category: a doll and a toy singing bird. Though one could argue that either of those could expand her imagination. 4 Gift Ideas that Won't Clutter Your Home

I felt happier and more present this holiday season than ever before. And I’ve come away with some key benefits to a simpler, more intentional Christmas.

  1. Our kids can benefit too. My daughter is only three, but I found myself explaining to her about donating to those who are less fortunate. I showed her the Toys for Tots boxes and we talked about giving to other girls and boys. On several occasions she would tell me that she had enough toys and that she didn’t want anything for Christmas. (Proud mama moment!)
  2. The holiday season lasts longer. When I wasn’t concerned with sale prices, clipping coupons or price match offers, I freed up my time and energy to enjoy and appreciate Christmas songs, movies and lights.
  3. Less is more. I gave myself and my family more of my time for family traditions like holiday parades and Santa events. And, I was able to do this without running myself down.
  4. Less to wrap!

I made some good strides this holiday season, and I hope to continue to make our Christmas more about family and less about gifts every year. As we learn to live simpler, we learn more about what matters and what doesn’t at Christmas.

Before you resolve, reflect on all you've already accomplished

Before you resolve, reflect on all you've already accomplished

4 Gift Ideas that Won’t Clutter Your Home

4 Gift Ideas that Won’t Clutter Your Home